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Showing posts from October, 2019

Final Blog Post

I have learned a lot about myself and my capabilities when it comes to performing technology. There were many things we have completed that I never in a million years thought I would do such as filming myself of camera, or even creating a blog in general. I learned that while this is not my style of learning, it is more difficult to find the motivation to participate, however as the weeks went on I began to enjoy it more and more. Therefore as a teacher I will work to ensure that I create activities that cater to each child from technology based activities, to some reading and visual learning. I will be sure to consider implementing a form of genius hour to allow my students to engage in a topic that suits their style and interests in hopes to enhance their motivation. I would also hope that they discover new facts and goals about themselves that they wouldn't otherwise have been aware of. Anything from and using google slides to producing a ted talk! I also learned that I can ach

Blog Post #3

Good Afternoon! This has been an incredibly busy week for my genius hour project and for my google site because we are getting down to last couple days of class! We listened to a brief story called "It's Not a Box!" and I got to create my own page of this story, we are collaborating them with the rest of our classes. It was a great final touch to a great course! We also had the opportunity to create a stop motion animation, which was actually a lot of fun considering it had never crossed my mind in attempting. If you would like to give it a try, all you need is to go to google slides and check out how to speed up the distance between the slides and you're good to go! Here it is! Finally, this week on my blog you will be able to find my "Ted Talk: A Girl Trying to Stay on Track". If you would be interested in seeing how my journey happened, take a look on my Ted Talk page! Last week my goal of running 5 days, and yoga for 1 day was a success! I did not f