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Final Blog Post

I have learned a lot about myself and my capabilities when it comes to performing technology. There were many things we have completed that I never in a million years thought I would do such as filming myself of camera, or even creating a blog in general. I learned that while this is not my style of learning, it is more difficult to find the motivation to participate, however as the weeks went on I began to enjoy it more and more. Therefore as a teacher I will work to ensure that I create activities that cater to each child from technology based activities, to some reading and visual learning. I will be sure to consider implementing a form of genius hour to allow my students to engage in a topic that suits their style and interests in hopes to enhance their motivation. I would also hope that they discover new facts and goals about themselves that they wouldn't otherwise have been aware of. Anything from and using google slides to producing a ted talk! I also learned that I can achieve a healthy lifestyle and my school performance at the same time in a healthier and more beneficial way than I did previously in my undergrad. I feel accomplished to say the least. 
I think genius hour is a great instructional strategy, if this is their style of learning. I do believe that it will completely dis-interest some students and cause poor effort and potentially stress while with other students they will love it and be very engaged. driven and thrive in this atmosphere of learning. I also believe it will be a great strategy for older grades, however for a primary age group I believe it will be to complex to process and perform.
For the next cohort during this course, Good luck! It is an incredible amount of work in a very small amount of time. Just remember, it always gets done, day by day. 
I am pleased to say that throughout this past month I have accomplished running at least 5 days a week and participating in yoga as a beginner. Keeping up with a healthy amount of exercise has allowed me to be more energized during the day, my mood was raised positively and eventually gave me much better sleeps. I will continue after this project is complete. Last Sunday I made fail proof marina sauce, adding in extra lean ground beef. I also used some of my left over marina sauce for making a home made pizza! I had also prepared vanilla Super-seed granola with coconut chips, it was wonderful on its own or with yogurt or a smoothie! Naturally, I had also prepared my usual snacks as well. The week after next week (cause this weekend is Thanksgiving!!), I'm thinking about making turkey burgers, my mothers recipe usually makes 6. I will most likely freeze 3-4 of them for a later desire. I have some planned dinners next week as well, so I have less need to meal prep! However, I will be making my chocolate almond protein bites again because they were magnificent. In terms of my scheduling, it made a mighty difference in my stress level because I reduced the constant worry of forgetting something. At the beginning of the week I made a list of everything that needs to get done for this week. I only plan for what I know I am capable of accomplishing each day. If I have extra time left over I often did some work for next week, took more time to hangout with friends, or some "me time". My social calendar hasn't completely suffered yet! I managed to have "tea/coffee dates" with some of my friends, My parents came down one weekend, and I've spent lots of time with my roommates at home and going for walks on the trails! Life's been great!
This slide slow consists of my meal prep!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


  1. This is such a great topic! I definitely we have so much stress as a teacher, we have so many things to juggle at once. You have some great suggestions and techniques to help us cope with our stress level! Thank you so much, I will definitely be using some of these! :)


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