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My Genius Hour Project

My Genius Hour Project

What is Genius Hour? What is my project proposing? Is there a trailer to see if I'd be interested? What else can I look forward to seeing during the duration of this course? As you scroll down, you will find out!

What is Genius Hour?

My Genius Hour Project! Check out my Powtoon informing you on what "Genius Hour" really is! If you are looking for new and creative ways to incorporate technology into your classroom, I recommend using Powtoon! I learned a new way to form a presentation for instructional purposes!


Stop Motion Animation

Here is my "Runaway Cookie Stop Motion" that I created on google slides. This is a fun activity that allowed me to explore my creative side and to attempt something that had never crossed my mind of doing, even though this is seen all the time! It's a great activity to incorporate into the classroom. This stop motion animation could be used in a variety of courses, I highly recommend looking into this for future assignments!

Calendar of Events

Here you will find all the dates of my Genius Hour Project from September to October, a great way to make a calendar like this is on google calendar!
