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Genius Hour Project

Welcome to My Blog!

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

My name is Leah Jones! If you were wondering about why I picked footprints, i'll tell you. These footprints below represent my love for adventures and my passion for running. Running is my jumpstart to the rest of my day that leads to the multiple passions of mine listed in the above cloud of words. My passions above represent a life full of health whether it is fitness related, unhealthy foods made healthy and increasing my mood by laughing and doing activities with my friends and family!

This is My All About Me Pinterest Page.
If you would like to understand more about me in a visual representation, feel free to click the link to my pinterest page. You will discover what path I would like to follow in my career. This page also demonstrates my love for adventures, promoting a healthy lifestyle (including altering baking into a healthy treat!) and making memories with my family and friends.

Ellen DeGeneres

The video that I chose to represent myself is a clip from comedian and talk show host, Ellen Degeneres. She is a celebrity that I admire because she represents somebody who is truly herself, a kind-hearted, genuine, hilarious and inspiring woman who never fails to put tears of laughter or joy on my face. Her show is one that I can turn on at any moment and my day is instantly brightened.
